A Ride of Passage

From here to there and everywhere in between. So me and my brother are biking across America this summer and this is where the details will be.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Clots are losing.

That is to say that the swelling in my foot and ankle are going down. My foot once again looks similar to what you might expect a foot to look like as opposed to a grap-a-melon. What's to be done on the knee is yet to be finalized. Looks like surgery, but we can't do that till the clots are gone and I am off blood thinners. As much as I appreciate the things that medical technology can do for us, I hate going to the doctor/hospital/orthopedist/vascular doc. etc...... anywho, I'll keep you updated.

Nate!!!!!; the main reason you guys are still reading. :-) Nate called a couple days ago from Scottsbluff, NE. NE.!!!! thats right, the big guy(not calling him fat) is in the "home" state. He said he was gonna take a day off in Scottsbluff to give his legs a chance to rest. So I don't know what there is to do in western NE. but I'll bet he tried to find it. So that should put him in Omaha by the end of next week or so.

The right coast? thats the question. Will he continue? I don't know. He had mentioned that being alone has been costing him more than he expected (ie-camping, not divided between two people, etc....) So, we'll see. He is healthy and seemed to be doing pretty well. We'll see what he does.

Thats all for now, I promise a little more reflection from my "bike trip across oregon" soon! Now that I've had a chance to process some of it.




At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nebraska! Making better time than I thought possible! Way to go, Nate!
And way to heal, Matthew! (kudos) Glad to hear you're looking/feeling more human. (What'a a "grap-a-melon"?) When will the decision on the knee-fix be made? Just the decision part? Keep disolving, and stay in touch.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger matt said...

I have no idea what a grap-a-melon is, but if you had seen my foot in its all-swelled-up state you might have had an idea.


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